Project maintained by calmastorm Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Hi, my name is Charles and I am a undergraduate student at the University of Birmingham studying computer science.


These are the resources that I find useful, maybe you can also make good use of them. The table is still being added…

No. Title Categories Language Date added
1 Artificial Intelligence Subset AI popular science Chinese 01/15/2023
2 Basic Git and Github Tutorial Git Github Tutorial Chinese 01/15/2023
3 What is TensorFlow? TensorFlow popular science English 01/15/2023
4 TensorFlow Examples TensorFlow Tutorial Github English 01/16/2023
5 TensorFlow-Course TensorFlow Tutorial Github English 01/16/2023
6 Git Tutorial Git Github Tutorial Chinese 01/30/2023


Here are some useful web-tools, not only about technologies, but also about health, games, and even screen recording and more.

No. Name Description Date added
1 Paper Digest It translates papers into your first language for faster reading. 01/15/2023
2 Overleaf Online LaTex editor and publishing tool, it supports collaboration. 01/15/2023
3 TDEE Calculator It calculates your TDEE according to some equations, helps you to decide how much to eat and exercise. 01/15/2023
4 Inkarnate Online map making tool. 01/15/2023
5 OBS A free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. 01/15/2023
6 Textgradients Generator of CSS code of the text with gradient colors. 01/15/2023
7 FlamingText Generator of image for text. 01/15/2023
8 Interface in Game It provides a fantastic collection of interfaces in games. 01/16/2023